Sin creates a hard battle in our lives, and causes us to wonder how God can use this tool for any good purpose. I am reminded that sin has helped us understand many of the attributes of God that we would not be understood without it. Micah 7:18 reminds us that God is a God who
can forgive our iniquities, and cleans us from sin, and is based on his grace and mercy. Without having that forgiveness applied to our account, we would never truly appreciate nor understand that mercy and grace. On the other side of the ledger, sin also reminds us that God is a holy and Just God, who must deal with sin. We would never truly understand the Holiness of God without understanding that God will deal severely with those who refuse to turn from their sin and receive the grace and mercy of God. This should provide in our lives a gratitude and commitment that leads to the changes in our lives to conform us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.