Cyber Church is a new advancement for all of us, but we would like to stay connected. With that in mind here we go:
1. Please remember that all services and activities are cancelled through Phase 1 in compliance with the request from the governor to limit contact with others.
2. We will be attempting to post prayer request information on our website under the announcements. While we are practicing social distancing. Please send any updates or requests to me via my email, text, or call into the church.
3. We will also be posting our messages and Bible Studies, here, for your edification, encouragement, and growth. Feel free to share those along on your FaceBook page, or any way that would be helpful.
4.All the messages will be written out to be sent to those who do not have internet capabilities. If you would like a “hard copy” let pastor know and he can send them to you via mail, or email. 5. All messages are being posted under “Sermons” on our website” 6. We are all looking forward to the time when we can all meet back together again!