Churches are imperfect institutions filled with sinful people trying to learn to be like Christ. Paul wrote in Romans 7:18, “For I know that in me (that is in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find.” All people struggle to live a life that is obedient to the Lord, yet Peter reminds us that we are to, “be holy in all your conduct,” (1 Pewter 1:15). This is a tough command, but an area that we need to learn and grow. How do we make this possible? One of the key ways that God has designed for us to do this is to live in a redemptive community, so that this community, can encourage you, and hold you accountable to growth and maturity. That redemptive community is to be a living organism, called “the church.” As followers of Jesus Christ, we become primarily citizens of heaven who live in America (or whatever country our redemptive community is in). As citizens of heaven, we are to hold each other accountable for our walk and relationship with Christ. According to Scripture, the local church is the visual representative of Christ to the World, and as such we become one body in Christ. It is that redemptive community that is designed by God to give us the motivation to bring glory to Him, and to serve one another. As the body of Christ, we are challenged to work TOGETHER, as one, and to love the diversity and unity of the Body. Joining a Bible believing, Bible teaching, and Bible practicing redemptive community (church), enables us to have a resource to remind us to live in accordance to our citizenship. May you consider the importance of uniting with a redemptive Community that represents the Lord Jesus Christ. After all, Christ died to establish this redemptive community.