We are told in Hebrews 4:16, that because we have a high priest (Jesus) who understands our weaknesses we can “come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Learning to pray is a process. We teach it to our children as we pray with them at meals, as they go to bed at night, and when we have family devotions together. We teach each other as we pray as a church for the needs of the body. We must understand that “prayer is more caught than taught!” Prayer to the church, is what breathing is to the body. Our body as a whole moves about and functions because we breath without even spending time thinking about it. As believers, our time in prayer should be a natural part of our lives. We should devote time to praying for one another and uniting our hearts and minds in one accord as we come before the Lord. Unfortunately, we have abdicated our right, and the church as a whole is choking on the process. We trivialize prayer, thinking of it as the last thing we do. The reality prayer is the first thing, and most important thing, we do as we come alongside others in their struggles to follow the Lord in the midst of their circumstances. There is tremendous power in the praying of God’s people. We MUST reengage in this valuable process, so that the Work of the Lord can go forward.