As we consider the attitude culturally and globally as the Lord makes His return ready, we next turn to Luke 18:8 “Nevertheless, when the Son of man comes, shall He find (the) faith on the earth?” Since this verse appears in the story of the importunate widow, who continues to ask the judge to rule on her case without getting any response. Jesus seems to be teaching that the Lord will not find “faith which has endured in prayer without fainting.” I have included the word “the” in parenthesis to indicate that Jesus is referring to something specific and not just faith in general. It would seem that when the Lord comes back He will not find faith that brings salvation being taught in the churches that are to represent Him. Back in the 60’s and 70’s the message of the gospel, was reduced to simply repeating a prayer, and there was a de-emphasis of a transformed life, that is manifested by a desire to live in the holiness commanded in Scripture. Many churches who were once gospel preaching churches, have turned away from pointing out sin, and living a life in obedience to the Word of God. Churches have attempted to make sinners comfortable in attendance, and not willing to point to the reality and power of sin. Faith in Christ causes those who follow Jesus to a new way of life, and a new power to make that happen. We do not live differently, we live differently because we are a new man (2 Corinthians 5:17). This transformation comes out of our gratitude for the sacrifice of the Savior, and our desire to influence others as we wait for the imminent return of our Savior. Luke 18:8 reminds us not to grow weary waiting for the Lord to return, but to understand that the Lord will return when the time is right, may he find us ready when He arrives!