Many people from our community are looking for ways to get financial support to those who can help with the Ukrainian refuge situation. We at Millersburg Baptist Church have become aware of the need for funds through a mission agency we support, Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE). We are taking a love offering this week to send to help meet the needs of Ukrainian refugees. ABWE is working with a missionary in Moldova, who has contacts in the Ukraine to provide that help. 100% of all proceeds will be sent to the Ukrainian relief fund, which will make its way to the Ukrainians who need aid. If you would like to help, you can call us at 330-674-5927 or send a check made out to Millersburg Baptist Church, and mail it to: 685 S. Washington Street, Millersburg Ohio, 44654. In the Memo put: “Ukraine Crisis Fund”