When most people, who have achieved great things, tell their stories, they mention those who encouraged them along the way. I remember as a young pastor, a local pastor called me and because an encourager to me. He invested 12 years in encouraging me as I served in my first ministry. I am today a better man and pastor because of his ministry in my life. The New Testament tells of a man who distinguished himself as an encourager, and motivator of others. The man’s name was “Joses’ (Acts 4:36), and his story is wrapped up in the exciting details that describe the first-century church in the book of Acts. This man was such an incurable motivator that the apostles finally changed his name from Joses to “Son of Consolation” – Barnabas! The shape of the church was changed by this man as he became the chief supporter of a man named, Saul, who becomes the great apostle to the Gentiles and changed his name to Paul. We never know who it is that we are impacting by kind words, and actions. Take time today to be a “Son of Consolation” to someone today!