There is a book that I read as a child called, “Fortunately, Unfortunately,” by Michael Foreman. In the book, Mom sends Milo on an errand to return Granny’s umbrella to her. Fortunately, Milo doesn’t realize that he’s about to encounter several unfortunate setbacks with pirates, dinosaurs, and aliens. But it all turns into one amazing, fortunate adventure. We are reminded that perspective controls our attitude about our circumstances. As we approach Thanksgiving, we need to remember the words of the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” This week, take the time to stop and reflect on your circumstances, and choose to focus on the fortunate things that are going on around us. Even when things seem bleak, God always provides windows of light that are designed to encourage us in the midst of our struggles. Life is truly an adventure, our perspective will determine our gratitude.