People who have walked with God for many years can often point to times when Scripture has been especially precious to them. It is almost always during a time of bitter circumstances that the sweetness of God’s Word is especially evident. God gives us His Word to provide hope and comfort in the midst of a sin cursed world. often when I find myself struggling in the midst of my circumstances, I turn to the Psalms to find my hope and perspective. The Word of God in the Psalms were written by people who are struggling with the circumstances of their lives. The emotions that come through the Psalms often remind me of the emotions that I am currently struggling through. The hard part is to turn to them and begin reading, or turn to an app and allow the Psalms to be read to me. I am reminded that in Ephesians 5:18 that we are to learn to “walk in the Spirit.” We are reminded in verse 19 that “walking in the Spirit” is manifested by speaking to ourselves in “Psalms, hymns, and Spiritual songs.” If you find yourselves overwhelmed with your circumstances, I would encourage you to turn on some good solid Christian music. We need to remember that the Psalms were written to be the music of the temple, and it is music that often speaks to our soul and comforts and calms us in the face of difficulties. I can assure you that the Word of God can comfort your heart and soul as you face the outward circumstances of your life.