- Nursery is available during Sunday School and Morning service
Sunday School – 9:30am
We have a full range of Sunday School Classes, and are using material from Answers in Genesis, which allows us to have all our classes taught the same age appropriate lesson. That way you can talk to all the children about what they learned during Sunday School and they will be on the same subject.
Morning Service – 10:45am
The morning service begins with a joint service for the family, and then before the message the children up through the 3rd grade are dismissed for Junior church. The message is designed to help the listener be confronted by the truths of God’s Word, and to be presented in a way that will draw all ages into the learning process. We are currently exploring “What we believe and Why” a study designed to help the hearers understand what the Bible reveals about our faith. We are currently exploring what the Bible says about the last days, and its implication in the life of the believer.
Toddler Church is for 2-year old through preschool children – Our young children are encouraged to come to Sunday School and then stay in the same room for the morning service. It is our goal to give Mom and Dad a break, should they desire it, and allow us to teach your children during the morning service also.
Junior Church is available, during the morning service, for K-3rd grade. – Your children will be dismissed to Junior church when it is time for the message, so that they can be taught in an age appropriate format. We count it a privilege to continue to build into the lives of your children as you grow and learn.
Evening Service – 6:00pm The evening service is designed to teach foundational truths in a Bible Study format. We are currently discussing how the Bible can change people’s lives, and drawing principles for life and growth from our times together. The goal is to help us engage others in a way that will help them grow and change, and point them to a vital relationship with Jesus Christ.
Bible Seekers – 6:45pm from September – April
Bible Seekers is designed to teach children about the Lord Jesus Christ, and His plan for their lives. It gives them a chance to learn the Word of God, make new friends, and have some fun during their game time.
Prayer Meeting – 7:00pm
This service is designed to encourage the body to learn how to pray for ourselves, and each other more effectively. The Bible Study is currently being taken from the book of Exodus, and is given as an inductive approach to the scriptures. Our goal is to learn from the life of Moses and to apply those principles to our walk with the Lord.