How you perceive yourself is often slanted by our sinful heart. What we value as important is often not as important as we think. It is important for the moment, but it is not important for eternity. We need to put on eternal glasses instead of the temporal glasses that we wear. How do we do that. Allow me to suggest some ways to do that. . . .
1. Make it your aim to thoroughly understand the do trines of justification and positional sanctification – often we feel that we are not “good enough” to be accepted by those around us and God because we view ourselves as inadequate in some area that is not sinful. Recognizing our position before God as righteous (declared by the work of Christ), and positionally as a saint (declared by our position) gives us perspective.
2. “Reprogram” our conscience by examining each area of doubt in light of the whole counsel of God. – Sometimes we develop an unbiblical view of ourselves because we have adapted the World’s values to our perception. The World did not create us God did, we need to view ourselves accordingly.
3. Learn how to distinguish sin issues from issues that are not sinful. – Sin issues can be changed by renewing our minds, the issues we are talking about here are issues that we cannot change, they are innate descriptions about us, but they do not define who we are (i.e. – I am short!)
Re-evaluating these things will help bring you to a biblical world and life view, that will enable you to begin to become the person God wants you to be.