In considering the deity of the Holy Spirit it is essential, that we understand that the works ascribed to the Spirit clearly demonstrate that He is God! He is involved in creation according to Job 26:13, the work of providence in Isaiah 40:13-15, The humanity of Christ was miraculously formed by the Spirit according to Mathew 1:20, and the resurrection of Christ was by the power of the Spirit according to Romans 8:11. What does all this demonstrate to us? Since the Holy
Spirit is God, and since He dwells in us, He has the power, authority and desire to change us into the image of Christ. Our hope in an eternal presence with the Father, is not built on a whimsical hope of mankind or some changeable force, it is built upon the reality of God himself, making it possible for us to become new creatures in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). What makes the believer different that those without a relationship with Christ, is not that we are somehow better than they are, hat makes us different is the indwelling presence of the Holy
Spirit, which produces change in our hearts and enables us to be different, not because we are better, but because we are different. Our difference comes from the work of the Holy Spirit to manifest His fruit in our lives (Galatians 5:22-23). That fruit in turn should be seen by those around us, and enable us to be a living witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, Let Him shine through you by the power of the Spirit of God!