We must understand that the source of our life is from God, and we can do nothing apart from him. We may have a relationship with Him, but be trying to establish our lives apart from Him. One may not have relationship with him, and try to live a life of satisfaction without Him. John 15:1-17 reminds us that it is impossible to have true life without that relationship, because He is the true vine. This can only come about as we understand that we need to CHOOSE to abide in that vine. No vine, no life, no life no peace, no peace, no joy. The manifestation of that life is seen in a willingness not only to love Bod but also to love each other. While this is a command, we do it not because we have to, we do it because it is our privilege. Just as we cannot control our physical life, we cannot control our Spiritual life. We are not alive spiritually because we are better than anyone else, we are alive spiritually because we have been made apart of the kingdom of God through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, based on the Work of Christ. May we learn to truly abide in the power of that relationship.