In 1 Samuel 1-2, Hannah prayed for a son for many years and after years of prayer and endurance, God gave her a son. She promised the Lord that if he would bless her with a son, she would give Him back to the Lord. After Samuel was weaned, Hannah did just that, committing him to the work of the Lord, and this young boy would go on to become the greatest Judge of Israel’s history. There are three things I want to remind us of in regard to Hannah, The Supportive Mother. First, Always remember God answers our prayers concerning our children. Not always in the way we want, or in the time we want, but He will hear and answer. Second, We should give children to the Lord to serve as He sees fit. We must remember we are given the stewardship responsibility to raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, not to attempt to save them for our heritage. And Finally, We should support our children as they live in the will of God for their lives. We must always remember that God has a plan for their lives, just as He does ours. We must help them discover that plan, and not demand that they follow our plan. Because of Hannah’s willingness to allow Samuel to live in the will of God, he blessed her with 3 more sons, and 2 more daughters. God never forgets us as we surrender to His plan.