Romans 8:29-30 reminds us that Salvation is not initiated by a person’s decision to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, but on God’s Foreknowledge. This is not a reference to his omniscient foresight But to his foreordination. He not only sees faith in advance but ordains it in advance, God’s is not only bringing to pass in me something, but has planned it for me. The purpose of this salvation is not so that we can go to heaven, but so that He may conform us into the image of His Son, and then use us to bring others to this salvation we enjoy. It is with this in mind that we understand the working of the Holy Spirit to shape us as verse 30 reminds us of the work of God in conforming us into the image of His Son. As you go through the events and circumstances of your life, remember that it all comes as a Divine plan with the purpose of conforming us into the image of Christ, and to bring about the opportunities to point others to the grace of God. That is the good that God is working out in our lives (Romans 8:28). We do not have to understand all this, just recognize that there is a plan to all that we are experiencing, and trust God to use it for His Glory!