We have seen that a Spirit-controlled church is unified which is characterized by fellowship and worship. We have also examined the fact that it also emphasizes evangelism through a lovingly, obedient ministry and heart from the people. Let me suggest 2 other evidences of a Spirit-controlled church:
7. It is a submissive church. This means that it’s obedience grows out of a glad heart, willing to do those things that are clearly identified in the Word of God. It submits to the Lord because it loves its Lord and seeks to please only Him. In so doing it bleeds into the other 6 areas that we have already looked at.
8. The Spirit-controlled church looks for ways to serve the Lord. Like the Lord Jesus Christ, our call and goal is not to be served but to serve others. It is a community of believers in which each one ministers by using the gifts given by the Holy Spirit, and using their talents and abilities to bring honor and glory to God.
These evidences are impossible for any church to manifest without the willingness of those who are apart of the local church to allow the Spirit of God to work in and through their lives. It is easy to sit back in your church and criticize the work that is being done, it is much more difficult and at times scary to be involved in the ongoing ministry and outreach of your church. Don’t sit, soak, and sour – Get involved and watch the Lord stretch and grow you into the image of His Son!