I am forever in debt to people who I have never met. I am indebted to them because of the impact they have had in my life through outstanding books and articles. My life is richer and my ministry has been strengthened by people I have never met, but because of them I have grown through their work and ministry. The reality we need other in our lives. After God put man in the garden and man had named all the animals, God said, “It is not good for man to be alone!” If we needed each other before sin entered the world, how much more we need each other now. That is why Christ established a redemptive community for His body (the church). God has made us and redeemed us not only for Himself but for each other. We do not grown in faith and obedience if not for Christian teachers and friends who help and guide us along the way. We cannot possibly fulfill our own ministry, without being mutually dependent on others. Let me turn this for a moment and suggest something in light of these truths. Just as we need others, others need us. Relationships are not mutually exclusive. and we must recognize that our impact into the lives of others is as important to them as it is to us. We may think that no one cares, but that is a lie . . . There are many people today in the sphere of your world, that you are impacting in a positive way. People may not recognize your impact, but it is there. Don’t stop reaching out to others, because you don’t know all that you are really doing.