1 Corinthians 12:-30 reminds us that God has provided those within the church to help us along in our spiritual journey. These men are equipped by the Holy Spirit, not to command us, but to lead us to the truth, and then that same Spirit helps us to apply the truth of God’s word to our lives. One of the key characteristics of those who are set apart for leadership is humility. This humility will lead to a lifestyle that is observable that will validate the message that is taught. These men are not commissioned to teach what they believe, they are commissioned by God and empowered by the Spirit of God to teach the Word of God. While they are men, like all other men, they have been given to the church to build a foundation for the body to grow into. These men were Apostles (given to set the foundation of instruction), next were given Prophets (given as the New Testament was established to teach the local church the practical message from the Word of God), and finally, the pastor/teacher (those given with the ability and call to teach the body of Christ). These men are empowered by God to present the Word of God to the people of God and to point us to the truths of God’s Word. A pastor is the undershepherd of the flock (Christ is the shepherd), and is commissioned by God to serve and love the sheep. Your pastor, is responsible before God to remember that he is accountable to Him for what he teaches. The responsibility of believers is to accept the ministries they are given with gratitude and to use them with faithfulness. We must recognize that God gives us all we need to do the work he has called us to do.