We can say “I love you” all we want, but if there is never any evidence of our love, our words will be called into question. In Galatians 5:23 we see the 6th of the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit, and that is “goodness.” This word is derived from Greek word referring to that quality found in a person who is ruled by what is good, and it represents the highest moral and ethical values. Goodness is love in action, and it carries with it the idea of righteousness demonstrated in everyday living, through our reliance on the Holy Spirit. This is manifested in our lives when we do things for others, not for recognition or any rewards, we do them just because it is the right thing to do. Perhaps the greatest gift that we give to others is forgiveness. It is the hardest thing that we do, but forgiveness is when we look most like God. None of us are perfect, therefore we are always asking God to forgive us for our sinful behavior. That being the case, we must be willing to extend forgiveness to others. Romans 12:18-21 reminds us of this responsibility. When we are trapped in unforgiveness, we are not being “Son-Ripened” As Christians we have no alternative but to march to the drumbeats of the Holy Spirit. True goodness is a characteristic of the “Fruit of the Spirit,” and our efforts to achieve it in our own strength alone can never succeed. Only the Holy Spirit can produce the goodness that can stand up under the test of time.