Once we have chosen to forgive someone, how do we live in that forgiveness consistently? Allow me to suggest some steps:
1. It is wise to explain to the person who wronged you why you may have a difficult time moving forward initially. This gives them an understanding of the emotions that you have to work through as your heart catches up with your head.
2. Renounce sinful attitudes and expectations. Many withhold forgiveness because they believe the offender must earn or deserve our forgiveness, Remember forgiveness is passed on repentance not guarantees, once a person has expressed repentance for an action, we do not have the right to let our fears of the future delay our actions in the present.
3. Assess my contribution to the problem. In many situations, our sins may have contributed to a conflict (Matthew 7:3) Self evaluation is the key to understanding the circumstances and leads to an easier recon ciliation. As we remember our sins it is easier to forgive others of theirs.
4. Recognize that God is working for the good in my life (Romans 8:28-29) As we understand that the person who has sinned against us is being used as an instrument in God’s hand to help us mature, serve others, glorify Him, it makes it easier for us to move ahead with forgiveness.
5. Remember God’s forgiveness toward me (Matthew 18:21-35). The more we understand and appreciate the wonders of God’s forgiveness toward us, the more motivation we have to forgive others.
6. Draw on God’s strength. II Corinthians 12;9 reminds us that our sufficiency is found through God. That sufficiency is given through the Holy sprit (Galatians5:16), the Word of God (Hebrews 4:12) and through the guidance of godly counsel (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).
These steps can help you as you work through the hardest concept as a human we have to work through …………. FORGIVENESS! Don’t give up, and find your strength in the Lord, you will find that living in forgiveness brings a peace and contentment in your life