During my first ministry, we purchased a house hat was by a 90 acre woods. I was always concerned that my sons, would go out into the woods and get lost. So I set out to help give them principles to determine how to get home. I would take them out and we would turn right and left as we walked, and stop and talk. We wondered aimlessly as we would go deeper and deeper into the woods. Finally, I would tell them that they were responsible to get me back to the house. I was always aware of how t get there, but it was important for them to be able to use the principles that they had learned to find their way home. Getting lost is a scary proposition, What a wonderful passage Luke 19:10 is “For he Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” It is critical that we understand the principles to help us be “found” because we are all lost. God does not wait for us to be “found” He sent his son to make sure that we are found. From the very beginning, God did not wait for Adam to come to Him and ask for forgiveness, He came to Adam and asked him what he had done. Remember that as you struggle with sin, God loved you enough to send His Son to make sure that you do not remain where you are.