Paul closes his magnificent chapter in Romans 8 with what may be called a hymn of security. This closing passage is a crescendo of questions and answers regarding issues some objectors might raise about our security in Christ. Although verses 31-39 continue his argument in defense of purity, they also amount to an almost poetic declaration of thanksgiving for God’s grace. What we see in this passage is Paul drawing to a close the great paean of triumph, to this magnificent view of the life of the people of God. We see here that Paul glories in the blessedness and security of believers by dwelling on three fundamental reasons for our triumphant confidence:

I. Victory through the Father (v31-33)
II. Victory in the Son (v34)
III. Victory over the circumstances (v35-39)

Our Security in Christ – Romans 8:31-39
It is because we are embraced by the eternal and unchanging love of God that we can be content to stand in the trials of today. Choose to rest in this truth today.