How do we live in the power of forgiveness? Let me suggest one of the steps to doing that. we are told in Philippians 3:4-9 that we should not have confidence in the flesh, and Paul gives a testimony of how he could have done that, but we need to understand that we are what we are by the grace of God (1 Corinthians 15:10). It may sound strange to say that struggling to overcome the sins of our past is pride, but it is prideful to say that I do not believe that God can forgive something that He has said that He will forgive. This actually makes us more powerful that God by determining that we are the judge and executor of that judgment. Throughout Scripture God demonstrates that He does not call the worthy, He makes the called worthy. Humility is not seeing ourselves as worthless, Humility is seeing ourselves as God sees us. All that we accomplish in this life is because God works in and through us! Why does He do this through us? One word: GRACE! We need to learn to accept the Biblical view of who we are in Christ, not because we are worth more than others, but because God has made us worthy to be called a child of God. May this overwhelming reality encourage us to live in a way that pleases Him. We are not better than those around us, we are only forgiven!