Have you ever struggled with who you are, and what you desire to be? I think that we all do. While it is true that we can not change many things about ourselves, we can change how we think about ourselves. As a boy, I struggled with how short I was, I wished all the time that I could somehow be taller, and my view of myself was determined by my height, until one day I realized that I was tall enough to reach the floor, and that was good enough. My point is that while we may not change some things about ourselves, one thing we can change is how we think about ourselves. Ephesians 4:22-24 reminds us that we are to put off the old way of thinking and put on a new way of thinking, by the renewing of our minds. The work of God in bringing salvation into our lives is a work that changes not only who we are, but ultimately, what we do! We need to begin to see ourselves as God sees us and not the way we may be perceived by the world. Allow your mind to begin to be renewed day by day.