In Genesis 20 Abram had lied about his wife Sarah, and Abimelech took her to become his wife. Yet God restrained him from doing a sinful act (Genesis 20:6-7). Abimelech was not conscious that God was restraining him, But God kept him from doing what his heart desired. God does not excuse Abram’s sin, but He did not let that stop Him from intervening in Abimelech’s mind and preventing the serious consequences of the sin. God can not olny restrain people’s actions, but even their most deeply rooted desires. No part of the human heart is impervious to God’s sovereign but mysterious control. We must remember not to look at the accounts of scripture merely as biblical history without relating them to our lives and our situations, understanding that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, God NEVER changes!. Romans 15:4 reminds us “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.” As you read the Bible and meditate on its content, understand the lessons that God gives and the truth that reveals about our mighty God, and learn to rest in the powerful presence of our Almighty God.