As we practice “Parenting with Purpose” Psalm 78 reminds us that we must not only teach children of God’s greatness (Psalm 78:14), and Teach our children God’s Word (Psalm 78:5-7), we must also teach our children to trust God (Psalm 78:7). One of the key ways we do this is by trusting God ourselves, and sharing stories to our children about God’s faithfulness with them. These verses tell how God forgot about the Lord’s work, but how could they forget? It is easy to forget what you don’t teach and reinforce. When God parted the Jordan for Israel to pass through, Joshua set up stones to commemorate God’s mighty acts so future generations would remember (Josh 4:20-24). It is important to remember, and remind ourselves of how God has provided for us in the past, because He is the same God who will provide for us in the future. While God doesn’t always provide in the same way, it is sufficient to remember that He will provide for us out of His great love and concern for His children. Trust is built on the confidence we have in the word of the one who makes the promise with us. God is faithful to do all that He promises, may we rest in that, and live in a way that demonstrates our trust in His promises. Set up memorials for your family and remind them often of God’s faithfulness.