God has revealed His plan for us, not because we have a right to know, but because of His Divine Grace. This grace is extended toward us so that we may have hope in the midst of our lives. The Bible is full of God’ -given promises, which are divine guarantees in which any follower of God can confidently trust. We do not have to worry when circumstances seem to spiral out of our control, and we seem to be in the midst of trial. We need to remember that it is in the trials that we often see the hand of God working to bring us peace and security. We must remember that “He will never leave us or forsake us” (Hebrews 13:5). Because of God’s love, He has revealed to us that life for the follower of Christ, will not be an easy life, but one that is filled with fulfillment and contentment. He reminds us that since the world hated Him, it will hate us also (John 15:18), but it is through God’s grace that we have hope and perspective in the midst of the struggles of life. Don’t lose heart my friend, turn your eyes heavenward, and meditate on the Word of God, and know that God has your destiny in His hands.