When we left Jesus at His ascension we saw that because of His work on the cross and resurrection He defeated Satan, but that was not the final event in history regarding Satan’s fall. The world is still affected by his role on the earth, and one day we are told that God will exalt the person of Christ and ALL THINGS will give honor to Him (Philippians 2:9-11). As a result of this the Bible reminds us that the destruction of Satan (seen in Revelation 20:10) will be complete and final. This world has been given to Christ as His footstool (Hebrews 1:13), yet He has not yet reigned on the world. That truth reminds us that Christ will come to the earth, to demonstrate His love and compassion to His Kingdom. The time to turn to Him is now! Don’t wait until tomorrow, because your tomorrow may not allow you to respond in time.