In John 14:1, While the disciples genui9nely believed in Jesus, their faith was already beginning to waver. Jesus began by telling them to stop allowing their hearts to be troubled by the news of his impending departure, the reason for that command is based upon their belief in the plan of God. He closes this powerful verse by reminding them that as they believe in the plan of God, to believe in the Jesus’ design to fulfill that plan. He wanted them to understand that he did not need to be visibly present for them to receive comfort and strength from Him. In face in John 20:29, Jesus would tell Thomas, and the rest of the disciples, “because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Jesus would go on in John 14 to share with the disciples the ministry of comfort that the Spirit would provide because of His departure. The presence of Christ is enough to calm the believing heart in whatever perplexing troubling situation it finds itself. The Puritan John Wene noted, “A sense of God’s presence in love is sufficient to rebuke all anxiety and fears; and not only so, but to give, in the midst of them, solid consolation and joy. God in His infinite grace has given us promises through the life and ministry of Jesus, and we need to be reminded of His continual presence in the midst of our circumstances, through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. May we learn to trust the words of Christ as we make our way through the trials of life.