As Jesus clarifies his destination in John 14:6 He says to the disciples that not only is He “the Way” (drawing on His teaching found in John 10:1-30), and not only is He “the Truth” (drawing on his teaching found in John 8:12-36), but also, He says that He is “he Life”. Here He draws on the teaching found in John 6:22-59, where He shares that “He is the life of the world.” Without Christ in our life, we have no life. We are blind to the “Truth,” and have no clue the “Way.” Jesus was not “a” way to God, He is saying that His is the “only” means of access to the Father. This is exclusive language, there is no other access! This is what brought so much ire and wrath on Him from the religious leaders of His day and continues to bring the same response from those who do not understand this truth. The good news is that because it is exclusive, we know how to get to the Father. Jesus provides the hope and perspective for the life that we live as a follower of Christ. If you want to find peace in the midst of the chaos that is around you. If you want to find rest in the rigors of our culture, only a correct understanding of Who Jesus is and what He has done for you can provide that hope and perspective. Today, in the midst of what you are going through turn to Him and find the help and hope you need.