45 years ago on Sunday, I asked my then girl friend to be my wife, while we were traveling to a special lunch! As we were eating, just before I had my pecan pie, she said, “Yes!” That was one of the most exiting days of my life. I wanted to tell anyone and everyone I could. To this day, I continue to remain grateful for this relationship that we enjoy. As I think back on that day, I am reminded of another very special relationship that that was established by the Lord about 48 years ago . . . my adoption into the family of God! The external act of worship is a true measure of the heart of the believer. If we are unwilling to share with others what God has done for us, we do not bring honor to him in our speech or our lives. Praise is a natural outgrowth of our gratitude for what the Lord has done, and continues to do in our lives. Do we take time to reflect on His goodness, and grace in our lives? May we praise acknowledge Him for how He is moving in our lives, may we have a unity of heart (worship and fellowship) and mouth (witness and teaching) that continually glorifies God and Jesus Christ.