The first step in perseverance is to understand where our true strength: With God. Nehemiah understood what God told Zerubbabel through the prophet Zechariah, as he was attempting to rebuild the temple. “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6) Nehemiah then evaluated his opposition and then took a stand to persevere to the end. Perseverance starts with a willingness to do the work that is set before us. In order for that to happen, we need to understand what needs to be done. It is also important to remember that in order to accomplish the work set before us, we must get everyone around us on the same page. No work can be accomplished by a “lone wolf” doing everything by themselves. God in His wisdom has designed life so that we work TOGETHER to do a task. As we seek to do a work for the Lord, we must determine to allow others to do the work that is their part.