When I was in college, I ran across 1 Corinthians 10:31 in my study, and asked myself, “What does it mean to “Glorify God?” this seemed so foreign to my thinking. . . . . How can I, a sinner, bring glory to my Lord? I spent time contemplating this thought, and as I read the scriptures, I learned that most characters in the Scripture were very similar to me, they were imperfect. I came to understand that what God wants from me is to be willing to do His Will. He wants me to live by my faith in the Son of God, who loves me and gave Himself for me. “Glorifying God” is not a mystical term that we achieve because of some magical experience. “Glorifying God” simply means, exalting Him in our life and actions. It means to give Him credit for the victories, and trusting Him in the defeats. It is turning to Him when I am weak, and remaining humble when I am strong. “Glorifying God” simply means to walk in the Spirit so that we do not fulfill the lust of the flesh. We are frail servants of our wonderful Lord, we live by the strength He gives us. May we learn that in so doing we bring honor to the God who has redeemed us.