Why is education important? 2 Timothy 2:15 says, “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Wisdom grows out of knowledge, and knowledge brings understanding. This is the principle that we learn from the book of Proverbs. Education is the tool that we have in our society that brings that knowledge to us. School has reengaged in many of our communities, and the process of structured learning is beginning again. How much formal, structured learning is enough? Interestingly, 2 Timothy 2:15 is addressed to Timothy, who is beyond “normal” formal education. It is the proud and arrogant who believe that they no longer need to study and learn. New information (to us) is always being presented, and it is important that we continue to learn so that we can grow and mature. Continuing education is a process that keeps us up to date, and challenges us to evaluate what we already know. We need to understand that what we know or do not know is not bad, but our understanding can become better and more mature. That is the goal of education. Not to puff us up, or to make us feel superior to others. Education is designed to make us better able to make wise choices, and allow us to be a better citizen of this great country. One of the problems that we have today is that people are often taught what to think, and not how to think! Learning and understanding The Word of God, teaches us how to think and process the information that we are being given from the world. Things are not true because they are legal, they are true because the creator of the universe has revealed them to be truth. Truth must be understood in a wholistic way. Morality, ethics, and discernment must become a part of the educational process. These things will be determined by your philosophy of life, and world view. As we study the Word of God, and the God revealed truths in creation we can learn and grow as a person and as a follower of God to be a wise servant of our wonderful Savior. Today, choose to begin to “Study to show yourself approved unto God.”