The word “if” in Romans 8:31 translates a Greek word that signifies a fulfilled condition, and would be better translated “BECAUSE God be for us!” All that follows is an assessment of this “because” phrase. We must always remember in the midst of our circumstances that it is not “IF” (conditional clause) “God is for us”, But “Because” (statement of fact!) “God is for us”. We must always remember that God is on our side, or more importantly, because of our relationship with Christ, we are on God’s side! Circumstances are just that circumstances, they are really neither good or bad in and of themselves, they only become good or bad based on our approach, perspective, and attitude. Our relationship with Jesus Christ should affect our outlook on all three of these areas. If you have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, find your strength to face the circumstances of your life, through the promise that “God IS for you!”