We turn our attention once again to 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 and we move to “the word of wisdom” mentioned in verse 8. In the New Testament, wisdom (sophia) is used most often to refer to the ability to understand God’s will and apply it obediently. One must understand, that to have wisdom, a person must have a deep understanding of the Word of God. Wisdom does not come from a blind understanding of the truth, it comes from a rich understanding of the truth. It refers basically to applying truths discovered, to the ability to make skillful and practical application of the truth to life situations. If you remember in the Old Testament, when, Solomon was given permission by God to ask anything he wanted, Solomon asked God to give him the wisdom to lead the people of Israel. The person who seeks wisdom not only draws from their own study of Scripture but from the many insights and interpretations of other faithful men of God. It is this gift that enables the Biblical Counselor to apply God’s truth to the questions and problems brought to them. It is also a gift of the pastor, who must know, understand, and be able to apply God’s Word in order to lead their people as they should. Here again we see another reason it is important for us to be committed to a local church, for this gift like all are given to the church for their edification. Not all of us enjoy this special gift, and we need the direction and insight from God’s Word that those how enjoy this gift have. Make it a commitment to put yourself under the clear teaching of the Word of God on a weekly basis.