What does being filled with the Spirit involve? It starts with our willingness to confess our sin, and then be willing to surrender our will, intellect, body, time, talent, possessions, and desires to the Lord. In short it is taking the Word of Christ (Scripture) and letting it indwell and infuse every part of our being. To be filled with God’s Spirit is to be filled with His Word. A longer understanding would be to say that: To be filled with the Spirit is to live in the consciousness of the personal presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, as if we were standing next to Him, and to let His mind dominate our life. This takes a conscious effort on our part to allow it to happen. It is not a passive filling, but is a deliberate choice on the part of the Believer to allow the Holy Spirit to produce in their lives the fruit of the Spirit, and enable them to do the Work of God. It is not a mystical enablement, it is simply a heartfelt desire to allow the Word of God to make us who we are. Charles Spurgeon said, “the Christian’s blood should be “bibline” bleeding scripture wherever he may be pricked or cut.”