As we think about the fact that Genesis 1:26-30 tells us that we are created in the image of God, we are reminded that God created us to have a relationship with us. God is not far off, distant, elusive, and hidden. Rather, what the story of Scripture reveals is that God is the one who is always searching for us. This was true from the very beginning, in the Garden of Eden it is not Adam who was searching for God, rather it was God who came to the garden searching for Adam. As long as we hide from God we will never see that He nailed Himself to the cross for our sins. Christ came and took upon Himself, the form of man (not animal or plant). He did this to make a statement about our dignity, and makes a statement about the relationship He desires to have with each of us. Christ came that we might be born anew (John 3:3-5) this will restore us to our rightful place at Christ side, Christ came that we might repent of our sins and walk in the new life that He offers as we follow His steps. Christ came that we might be changed into that same image as we behold His reflection (2 Corinthians 3:18). As image bearers we carry a tremendous responsibility and it is our privilege to represent God to this world. Will you step up and allow God to use you to impact your part of the world?