In 2 Timothy 3:1-7 Paul gives a description of what people will look like during the end times. A careful reading lends itself to a view of man today. We live in a day and age where the idea that “self-esteem” s essential for a person’s happiness. Yet the current teaching of “self-esteem” seems to fall under the category of “lovers of self, more than lovers of God” The Scriptures speak of a man’s heart, mind, conscience, emotions, thoughts, and movies, but says nothing about I “self-image”. The reality is that Our happiness is not related as much to how we esteem ourselves as it does to how we esteem others. According to 2 Timothy 3:1-7 self-image is not an organ or entity of itself, it is better understood as a judgment a person makes as they evaluate themselves. This internal evaluation is what is commonly referred to as our “self-image” Therefore, self-image is not an emotion or a feeling, but rather a part of our thinking process. People actually don’t “feel inferior” , rather they judge themselves to be inferior and feel awful about their self-evaluation. As a Christian, we should strive to have an accurate evaluation of ourselves, based on biblically correct perceptions and evaluations. Our problem is how do we do that? I would like to walk us through 3 areas that we need to make Biblical value judgments concerning ourselves. I want to put them forward today, and then walk through them over the next few days. Those three areas that we need to review are: Inaccurate perceptions, Accurate perceptions that are not sinful, and Accurate perceptions that are sinful. Get ready to receive some principles that can help you overcome your struggles, and enable you to gain the ability to accept yourself for who you are before God. We are reminded in Ephesians 4:22-24 that we are to “put off the old man…through the renewing of our minds…and put on the new man” These principles will help us do that. Come back tomorrow for another look at this topic.