The missing ingredient in this country and in the hearts of people is gratitude. You look in the stores, and immediately following Halloween, the marketing people put up the Christmas sales, this week the most anticipated day, is not Thursday, it is Friday’s black Friday’s sales. In the book of Philippians Paul addresses this great concept. Gratitude leads to a joy that should be an unwavering constant in a Spirit filled life, not a transient emotional feeling that comes and goes depending on circumstances. In Philippians 1:3-8 The apostle gives 5 specific elements of his Spirit-engendered joy as it related to other believers. As we prepare for Thanksgiving we need to consider these elements. Let me start by just sharing those elements, and then expound on them the next couple of days. He speaks of the joy of Recollection in verse 3; The joy of Intercession in verse 4; The joy of participation in verse 5; the joy of Anticipation in verse 6; and the joy of Affection in verses 7-8. As we approach Thanksgiving this week perhaps we need to be challenged to think back and be encouraged by the people God has brought into our lives.