685 S. Washington St. Millersburg, Ohio 44654

Rev. James A. Jamison, Pastor                                                                          Phone:    (330) 674-5927



September 8, 2020

Friends and Family: 

I am happy to share with you that we have committed to reopen our Sunday School beginning Sunday, September 9, at 9:30 am.  Once again, We recognize that not all of you may feel comfortable with meeting at this date, and we respect the right of each family to make their return based on their best evaluation of their needs of their family.  At the same time, we do not want to hinder those who have a desire to restart in worship and fellowship.  We must all understand restarting continues to be a process and not an event, so please work with us in that matter.  Here is our current schedule for opening:

September 13: Sunday School – 9:30 – Moring Service 10:30 (with Jr. Church)

September 16: Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm – AWANA 6:45-8:00 pm

September 27: Sunday Evening Service 6:00 pm

Since we are concerned for the physical needs of our body, we are asking you to please help us care for one another as we transition into the entirety of our worship.

  • The nursery will be open for mothers or fathers who need a place to take care of the needs of their children. But will not be staffed by anyone on a regular basis
  • We are asking that each of us would continue to self-monitor our health, and if you have a family member that is showing any signs of illness or the virus, please stay home for that particular week, until you can determine that it was just a “false alarm”
  • We will continue to attempt to video our Morning service through Facebook Live, so that those of you, who may not feel comfortable coming to our public service, and those people who have joined us through the ministry of “off the pastor’s desk” may worship with us at the same time we are meeting.  We will also post those services on our Facebook and Website, for future references. 
  • In accordance to our Governor’s guidelines, we will recommend that you wear masks, but they will not be required.  We also will have a quantity of masks available at church for anyone who does not have a mask.  Those masks will be available for any aged person.
  • We will have a area outside the sanctuary for the offering, so that there will be no need to pass the offering plate during the service, for those who do not feel comfortable attending the public service, you may continue to send your offerings to the church via the mail.
  • We will also have bulletins available on the table with the offering, for those who would desire to have one.  But we will not be handing them out so that they are not handled by many people.
  • We ask that you recognize that not all people may be comfortable with physical contact, so be aware of that as you consider shaking hands, hugging, or other types of physical contact.  We will allow each person to determine what degree of contact they are comfortable with.  Please, as we start our services, consider asking before doing. 
  • Please remember that these services are public services, and as such we will be welcoming any visitors who stop by to worship with us.  Please, be considerate of those visitors, and make them feel welcome, but not overwhelmed. 😊 

Finally, I would remind you that our focused theme through this event, has been to “love God and to love our neighbor,” We have focused on doing that in our opening, and now we need to do that on returning to worship together.  We must value the ability that each person and family has in their personal return to “normal living.” 

If you have concerns or questions about our reopening, please feel free to contact me or your deacon to express those questions or concerns.  I continue to pray with and for you as you work through these decisions for yourselves.  May God grant you the boldness of Peter to stand in the midst, and the wisdom of Solomon to understand your situation. 

Serving our Savior,

Pastor James A. Jamison


419-303-9276 (cell)                                                                Tim Wolff (330-674-6623)

330-674-5927 (office)                                                            Michael Havener (330-601-4379)

                                                                                                John Kandel (330-231-2263)                                                                                                 Ryan Smith (330-231-5385)