Hebrews 11 & 12 are the faith chapters of the Bible. Chapter 11 gives a general definition of faith, and a slew of Old Testament examples. God has supplied us with examples from the past so that we might be encouraged and have hope when we see how these very real people were able to handle their anxieties. Chapter 12 of Hebrews sums up the principles of living by faith. George Muller once said, “Where faith begins, anxiety ends, and where anxiety begins, faith ends.” Because of his exemplary life, we can believe he knew what he was talking about. Faith is more than a blind leap into the darkness, hoping that someone will catch us as we fall through a dark abyss. Faith is a commitment to the clear teaching of the Word of God, and the power of the One who has given it to us to do what He says. Faith is an exercise in trust, it is an understanding that God will do what He says He will do. It is a quiet confidence that God has us securely in His hands as we walk through the unknown days that lie ahead. Choose today to trust God for what He has said He will do, He will never let you down.