In Revelation 19:11-13 we see “heaven opened, as it did in Revelation 4:1, but unlike Revelation 4:1, heaven opens this time not to let John in, but to let Jesus out. The time has come at last for the full, glorious revelation of the sovereign Lord. This is the time to which all of Revelation (as well as all of redemptive history) has been pointing, the time of which Jesus Himself spoke in Matthew 24:27-31. No longer is Jesus portrayed as He was in His humiliation, “Humble, and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9) Instead, He rides the traditional “White Horse” ridden by victorious Roman generals in their triumphal processions through the streets of Rome. Jesus is going to reveal himself to the world in a way that He has yet to do. His longsuffering has come to an end, and His authority will be seen and realized. Those who have chosen to follow Him in this life and have died, will return with Him to bear witness to His mighty power and authority. Those who stand against Him will be destroyed in a word. My friends, the time to choose to follow the Lord is now, while there is still time. God is manifesting His longsuffering grace and mercy. Do not assume that God is tolerating the sin of those in this world, the sin if the world calls out to the Lord to act, and He will. Do not be dismayed, all those who choose to follow the Lord, He will one day claim His rightful throne, today His mercy and grace is extended toward the world giving a longer opportunity to turn to Him for salvation. Rest, my friends, in the great power and love of our God.