Overcoming temptation is a constant battle in the life of those who choose to follow Christ. To do so, we must first of all learn to be alert to the battle that is before us, and to watch for our enemy, Satan, as he sends his warriors to attack us. the second command found in 1 Corinthians 16:13 is to “Stand fast in the faith!” The Bible has no equal. It alone is inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16). In light of this truth, we need to affirm in our minds the authority of God’s Word, the person of Christ, and His resurrection. These are great cornerstones of our Christian faith. We need to determine in our minds and hearts that we are not going to allow anything nor anyone to move us from our position in Christ. Paul wrote to Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:12, “I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is ab le to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day. The key here is to remain firm in our understanding the revealed truths of God’s Word. Are you firm in your faith? Do you know who you have committed your life to? Begin to choose today whom you will serve, and stand firm in your commitment!