When I came to understand the salvation offered to me by Jesus Christ, I was immediately transformed out of darkness into light. I was born again, into a living hope, and that transformation was immediate and complete. However, one of the things I quickly understood, was that my knowledge of the Word of God was as incomplete as it was before my transformation. I had to take time to understand the Word of God so that my mind might be renewed! Romans 12:2 is a reminder that it is the mind that our new nature and our old humanness are intermixed, and it is here that we make choices as to whether we will express our new nature in holiness or allow our fleshly humanness to act in unholiness. We must allow the Word of God to transform us through the renewing of our minds. When I think back to when I came to Christ, and how incomplete and simple my understanding of the Word of God was, I am amazed at the amount of understanding that the Lord has permitted me to obtain, as I have invested time in knowing His Word. The key to learning to live a holy life, is to understand God’s Word and choose, through the indwelling Spirit, to obey that Word, out of our love for what God has done in our hearts through His grace and mercy, because of the work of Jesus Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection. May we choose today to learn the Word and allow it to direct our path.