There are two key prophecies that must be fulfilled in the burial of Jesus. The first is found in Isaiah 53:9, this whole chapter is devoted to the death of Israel’s Messiah. it talks about the fact that He was despised and rejected of men who bore our griefs, and carried our sorrows. He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities. It talks about Him being taken from prison unto judgment. Then in verse 9 it mentions something interesting “He made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death.” Here the Holy Spirit through the prophet of Isaiah says it was an assignment for Him to be placed with criminals in a criminal grave, yet that didn’t happen but rather He was to be with a rich man in His death. Now that rather strange and obscure prophecy would be very difficult to understand until one arrives at the burial scene of Jesus in Matthew 27:57-62. A man by the name of Joseph of Arimathea, comes into the pages of Scripture, and is identified as a “rich man!” Every detail of the life of Jesus was authored buy the Lord, Every detail of Jesus life was detailed in Scripture. How is it that we miss these truths? Could it be that we are so blinded by our culture, and our presuppositions that we cannot make room for the truth of who Jesus is? Consider this: If God was so concerned with the details of Jesus life, death, and resurrection, He is also concerned about our lives. Even in the little details of our lives! As we approach the day we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, may we be encouraged that our God is aware of our circumstances and working things out in our lives.