Our position in Christ is majestic. God has raised us up with him and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, according to Ephesians 2:6. Our position could not be more lofty. Positionally, we are perfect. Now God want us to reflect that position i our progressive experience. That is what growth is all about. Some people say that growth is about perfection, but we struggle to even attempt to come close to perfection. The goal is the same for every Christian, according to 2 Corinthians 3:18 we are to be “transformed into the Lord’s image.” Spiritual growth is not mystical, sentimental, devotional, psychological, or the result of clever secrets. It comes through understanding and practicing the principles that are given in the word of God. Its boundless blessings are in the divine vault that is easily unlocked by a series of unique keys. And it is the purpose of the body of Christ to be a motivation and a catalyst for the introduction and application of those keys. it all starts with the basis of learning and understanding the Word of God, which leads us to a desire to glorify God by:
1. Practicing obedience to that Word
2. Learning to Walk in the Spirit
3. Doing this leads to Confession of Sin.
4. Confession of sin results in a greater love for God and others
5. This love motivates us to pray more effectively
6. That prayer builds in us the Hope of His coming
7. That Hope creates a sweet fellowship in the body of Christ
8. That fellowship, gives us a desire to tell others of what God has done for us.
9. All of which develops in us a discernment that helps us to recognize truth from error.
This then results naturally in growth and development. Growth then is not something that we do, it is something that happens to us naturally because we are alive in Christ. Consider your life: the conclusion would be that if their is no spiritual growth in your life, there is no spiritual life in your heart. Choose to follow Christ and find the freedom to live and walk in ways that please and honor Him.