Forgiveness sounds like a marvelous idea until you ae the one who has to do it. In Luke 23:34 Jesus says, “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” In this first cry from the cross, Jesus cries out to the Father not to hold this act against those perpetrating it. It was not that they did not understand their guilt, it is that they did not understand the enormity of their guilt. 1 Corinthians 2:8 says none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of
glory.” We need to remember that when people sin against us and hurt us, they do not realize the enormity of their sin. They are often caught up in their own selfish ambition, and their idolatrous hearts. They are blind to the needs of others, and focus only on their own longings and desires. This is not to justify the behavior of others, but to remind us that we leave the “vengeance” to the Father. Don’t allow others to cause us to allow the root of bitterness in our hearts. We can allow the Father to work in the lives of others, and our response may bring them reason to pause and reflect on God’s grace. Allow God to heal your pain, as others sin against you. Allow God to calm your heart, and bring you peace in the midst of the harmful words and actions of sinful men. Rest in Him and enjoy the life that the Lord has provided for you.