Surrounded by jeering taunts, weakened by the loss of blood, Jesus’ lip were moving, the words were not a curse or request for vengeance, instead his words were for the forgiveness of His enemies. Even now, as Jesus was bearing our sin, He was pleading that His sacrifice might be effectively applied to us. The reason for the request is stated by Jesus, “They do not know what they are doing.” While those involved in this act, may have understood the facts of their guilt; in no way did they understand the ENORMITY of their crime. They did not know that they were crucifying the Son of God. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 2:8 says, none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” Their crime was much greater than they could ever have realized because of the infinite value of the person whom they had condemned. We must remember, as we struggle to forgive others of their sinful acts against us, they do not understand the “ENORMITY” of their sin against us either. That is why we must trust their discipline to the one who understand the “enormity” of their actions. Consider this: our loving response to a sinful act may be response that the Lord will use to bring another to understand the power and presence of God. At worst, it frees us from living in the bitterness of holding their act in our hearts. It enables us to be free from their control, and to remember that how they view me is not the determining factor of who I really am. God is the one who defines my importance to this world, and my value to this society. Look to Him for your direction and purpose.