Benjamin Franklin said, “Do not squander time, for it is the stuff life is made of.” Many people are frustrated because the always seem to be fighting the clock. They stay up late, then sleep as late as they can and rush frantically to school or work. The Bible gives us some great insight into how time can become your friend rather than your enemy. The first step in making time our friend is to totally immerse our life in God. Psalm 90:12 reminds us to “teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” Numbering our days means that we recognize that we only have a finite number of days, and each day we live is one more day that we do not have to invest in others. In the business of our lives, we need to make some margin in order to keep from becoming so preoccupied with the things around us that we forget what is truly important. Time is a commodity that we cannot barter, sell, or give away. We can use time to invest in others, or we can spend time in frivolous matters. Either way we are all stewards of the time that we have been given. Choose today to invest your time in the things that are important, and pray to have the wisdom to understand what those things are.